今季NBA嘅受傷情況可以話罕見地多,唔好計季初已經有多名球星受傷,黎到常規賽尾聲仍然有唔少球員正處於養傷階段,其中衛冕總冠軍勇士亦陷入前所未見嘅傷患當中。好似今天面對爵士,勇士嘅正選陣容本身全部都係球隊後備,而一班正選都因唔同程度嘅傷患所以未能上陣,其中球隊核心Stephen Curry甚至可能唔會喺季後賽首輪上陣!
Steve Kerr's full comment/update on Steph Curry, saying he won't play in the first round pic.twitter.com/jtQ7aPdP25 — Anthony Slater (@anthonyVslater) 2018年3月25日
Steve Kerr's full comment/update on Steph Curry, saying he won't play in the first round pic.twitter.com/jtQ7aPdP25
Curry: Hopefully, I can prove coach wrong and get back as soon as possible... But right now, who knows? — Marc J. Spears (@MarcJSpearsESPN) 2018年3月26日
Curry: Hopefully, I can prove coach wrong and get back as soon as possible... But right now, who knows?