隨著Epic與Apple訴訟案開審,眾多遊戲廠商內部文件得以曝光,其中一份有關任天堂合作夥伴須知文件指出,任天堂反對同任何「極道」或「反社會勢力」打交道,如發現開發商及旗下員工同黑勢力有關,將有權終止合約。見到任天堂咁堅決「反黑」,機迷們就猜測 《人中之龍》系列遲遲未登陸Switch平台或者同黑道題材有關。
Nintendo went a little wild with the redactions in the contract we mention in the newsletter. The only page that wasn't marked up is the one where devs/pubs have to confirm that they're not tied to the Yakuza pic.twitter.com/0K6A7RGLeA — Stephen Totilo (@stephentotilo) May 3, 2021
Nintendo went a little wild with the redactions in the contract we mention in the newsletter. The only page that wasn't marked up is the one where devs/pubs have to confirm that they're not tied to the Yakuza pic.twitter.com/0K6A7RGLeA
呢份長達25頁嘅任天堂內部文件,強調遊戲開發商及發行商員工不得與「反社會勢力」(Anti-Social Force)及「極道」(Yakuza)組織有關。並禁止開發商及發行商對任天堂作出威脅、勒索、詐騙、謠言等暴力行為,否認任天堂將有權中止合約。簡單嚟講,即係想同任天堂合作就要好似蒸餾水咁清白,一丁點黑勢力勾結都唔可以有。
雖然文件就無明確指出任天堂唔畀發行黑道題材遊戲,而且《人中之龍》系列都登陸過Wii U平台,但今次知道原來任天堂咁堅決「反黑」,令唔少機迷猜測《人中之龍》系列遲遲未登陸Switch平台可能係同黑道題材有關。