近年一直有傳Rockstar打算重製《GTA 4》及《Red Dead Redemption》等經典之作,但有鑑於《GTA三部曲:最終版》嘅慘況,相關計劃似乎已胎死腹中。咁係咪可以多返啲資源集中開發《GTA 6》呢?
雖然《GTA 4》同《Red Dead Redemption》已經係10多年前嘅作品,但其開創性玩法以及獨特嘅暴力美學,至今仍深受唔少玩家歡迎,近年外界亦一直有傳兩款遊戲將會重製(Remaster),並喺《GTA 6》問世之前推出,等機迷能夠暫時止下癮,邊玩邊等《GTA 6》。
As per a reliable source with clear accuracy on Rockstar plans, remasters of GTA IV & RDR1 were on the table a few years ago, but Rockstar chose not to proceed with the projects in mind.
The poor reception of the Trilogy DE might be a reason behind that decision.#GTAIV#RDR1