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文:MenClub 路易斯  圖:互聯網
POSTED ON 27 Feb 2019

今年Apple喺一月份舉行「Shot on iPhone Challenge」比賽,今日Apple正式公布十大入圍作品,其中所拍攝嘅iPhone由最新嘅iPhone XS Max以至幾代前嘅iPhone 7都有,而參賽攝影師嚟自新加坡、德國、白俄羅斯、以色列及美國等地,當中仲包括前美國總統Barack Obama嘅白宮首席影師。其中一張作品非常面善,係由Alex Jiang於香港彩虹邨所拍攝嘅照片,除咗色彩豐富外構圖亦能夠帶出香港生活嘅擠迫感!

1. IG: @justphotons
Alex Jiang (美國), iPhone XS Max



Annet de Graaf:「建築設計構建了相片的敘事。在這座默默無聞的城市之下,簡簡單單的公寓裡蘊藏著真實的生活。繽紛色彩配合在畫面中間籃球架營造出完美的構圖!眼光不錯。」

2. IG: @blakemarvin
Blake Marvin (美國), iPhone XS Max


Austin Mann:「這幅相要有耐心和花一番時間才能拍出…透過 iPhone 的零延遲快門和智慧型 HDR,我們可以看到浣熊的眼睛,也能看到圓木深處的陰影細節,在以前這幾乎不可能以自然光拍攝得到。」

Phil Schiller:「這隻浣熊/大盜與攝影師之間的相互一瞥,是一個十分珍貴的畫面,我們甚至可以想像牠仿似在說『快點走開,免得你體無完膚。』巧妙運用黑白,並對浣熊精準對焦,配合空心圓木,讓人在靜止的時間裡感受到生命力。」

3. IG: @darrensohphoto
Darren Soh (新加坡), iPhone XS Max


Phil Schiller:「看上去似一幅畫的倒影,融合了兩個世界。讓人不由自主地聯想到這張相片是在哪裡、怎樣拍攝下來的,在角落飛翔的小鳥,是這個超現實構圖中唯一出現的生命象徵。」


4. IG: @yarosh.nikita_
Nikita Yarosh (白俄羅斯), iPhone 7


Austin Mann:「我很喜歡這幅相平易近人的感覺:不必親自去冰島,也一樣可以拍下眼前的美景。縱橫的線條,明亮的色彩,還有新舊交錯的感覺…這幅相片真的很出色。」

Luísa Dörr:「我喜歡這張相片的簡約,它的構圖、光影、細節,一切都感覺非常好。緊接下來你又會看到一條細線,看上去不太對勁,令我非常好奇,這裡究竟是什麼地方,誰在這裡。對我而言,不是畫面感覺強烈或好看的才叫做好相片,也可以是這種不禁讓人深入思考的相片。」

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Rupture . . #theshapesseries + #ShotoniPhone

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5. IG: @dinalf

Dina Alfasi (以色列), iPhone X


Sebastien Marineau-Mes:「很喜歡這裡的心型水窪帶出了主角的構圖,趁著主角匆匆走過,同時記錄這世界的驚鴻一瞥。」

Brooks Kraft:「這幅相片透過獨特的視角,以新的手法來拍攝常見的倒影主題。主體非常顯眼,但你卻拿捏不準到底是怎樣拍攝出來的,我喜歡這樣的感受。心型水窪亦完美對稱拍攝主體。iPhone 相機一般模式的景深表現造就出這幅相片,DSLR 相機在這裡很難做到讓一切內容保持對焦。」

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Go into your heart  #whpunexpected #mydinstreetmoments #shotoniphone #vsco J4 #jj_forum_2502

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6.IG: @liz.scarrott
Elizabeth Scarrott (美國),iPhone 8 Plus


Brooks Kraft:「這張人像照在美麗的景象之中,記錄小朋友萌發好奇心的美妙瞬間。非常出色的構圖,不但展現小朋友的角色個性,也彰顯了身邊事物。」

Pete Souza:「出色構圖,並運用背景來展現周邊狀況。孩子的臉孔擺放於絕妙的位置,而且背景與她連成一線,乾淨俐落,不會分散注意力。這個場景似曾相識,我可能也曾在這裡拍攝,但這張相片卻與其他在這裡拍攝的作品大為不同。」

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#halfdome #yosemite #yosemitenationalpark #sawyergracescarrott #photography #shotoniphone

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7.IG: @andrewgriswold
Andrew Griswold (美國), iPhone XS


Jon McCormack:「這幅相片的構思和拍攝都做得很出色。背景圖案支撐起整個畫面,水滴中反覆映射出小小的背景圖案,產生出五花八門的視覺效果。景深的運用非常有創意。」

Sebastien Marineau-Mes:「非常獨特的構圖和色彩組合,展現 iPhone XS 的強大之處。最令我感興趣的是背景圖案,在每個水滴中被放大、進而變形。讓我忍不住研究和試圖了解這是什麼圖案。」

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Every year I make my way through as many Oscar nominated films as I possibly can while posting images inspired by those films I’ve watched thus far. Having finished the unbelievably fresh and colorful true story in Green Book last night, it’s one of my favorites so far. Starring Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali, the story takes the two unlikely characters as they drive through the deeps south in the 1960’s as Ali’s character performs classical music for high end clients and Mortensen is hired as his driver and protector. Such an outstanding true story and one that feels serious but very bright and welcome in the mix of darker films in recent years. What are some of your favorite movies of 2018? Let me know in the comments below! // #GrisDoesTheOscars @TheAcademy #ShotOniPhone @Apple #iPhoneXs . Shot on iPhone Xs and edited in @VSCO

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8.IG: @bernardantolin
Bernard Antolin (美國), iPhone XS Max


Kaiann Drance:「第一眼看上去是很簡單的畫面,但以巧妙方式運用黑白色彩將畫面提升至完全不同的感覺。帶出雲朵和身邊風景,藉此營造戲劇化的對比效果。」

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9. IG: @adidarmawan
LieAdi Darmawan (美國), iPhone XS


Luísa Dörr:「這張風景相給我一種舊人像相片的感覺。山巒的紋理,就像老人皺起的面孔。人像和風景相是人類最古老的創意表達方式。這張相片有一些潛意識領域的感覺,這也是這張相片最吸引我的部分,是一種無法言喻的感覺。」

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So honored and flattered to be chosen as one of the winners of the latest Shot on iPhone Challenge!!  This picture was taken from my last backpacking trip in Colorado’s San Juan National Forest. On my second evening of backpacking in the Colorado wilderness, I decided to hike up to the ridge right next to the Ulysses S. Grant Peak for a sunset shot (right after a nap that is). The Ulysses S. Grant Peak itself stands at about 13,767 ft, so I was just a few feet below that! I wasn't sure what to expect as the temperature started to drop and the sun light started to fade. I was the only one left up there, where a few others had long descended down and left. Boy, was I glad to stay there long enough to witness the clouds and jagged peaks started to light on fire during the golden hour—it was such a spiritual experience! Descending down in the dark, equipped only by a headlamp, was not an easy task. I fell down a couple times trudging through steep sandy terrain. I even missed my campsite by a few hundred yards. But looking back, it was all worthwhile.

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10. IG: @yungbrioche
Robert Glaser (德國), iPhone 7


Kaiann Drance:「華麗的動態範圍,相片裡的草地、樹木和雲朵,細節盡展現。整體看起來,有美麗的深邃天空,也有悅目的顏色。」

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