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文:MenClub Raphael  圖:互聯網
POSTED ON 22 Jun 2017

昨晚是疲累的一夜,單單在中環都有 3 場要走,首先是之前講過的Simone Caporale世界級Guest Shift,還有Employees Only Hong Kong的預覽,最後更有Stockton的Asia’s Best 50公佈。今年香港酒吧的走勢仍然強勁,共有 8 家上榜,相比2016年少了一間;但名單上除了兩間World Best台柱 (Quinary、龍蝦) 之外,香港的Asia 50名單變化頗大,我地一齊睇睇先 :

第 7 位 : Quinary —56-58 Hollywood road, Hong Kong

第 8 位 : Stockton —32 Wyndham St, Central, Hong Kong

第 10 位 : Lobster Bar & Grill — Island Shangri-la

第 16 位 : The Pontiac — 13 Old Bailey Street, Central, Soho, Hong Kong

第 24 位 : Zuma —The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

第 26 位 : 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo Bombana —Shop 202, 2/F, Alexandra House, Central

第 42 位: The Chinnery at Mandarin Oriental —5 Connaught Road, Central

第 48 位 : Dr. Fern's Gin Parlour —Shop B31A, First Basement Floor, Landmark Atrium, Central

與2016年比較,龍蝦Bar失去大將,排名下跌算是預料之中。Stockton、Zuma等高水準酒吧仍能維持上佳表現。米芝蓮3星級的「八度半 Bombana」證明了餐廳並非只有Truffle出名,連酒水他們都是國際級的。文華千里吧是老牌靚嘢,反而剛剛登陸MenClub的中環置地Dr. Fern's,開業不久便能極速上榜,令人有點驚訝,希望Gerry能繼續努力,要知道既Keep住水準,絕非易事呀。讓我們看看完整名單 :

  1. Manhattan, Singapore
  2. Speak Low, Shanghai
  3. High Five, Tokyo
  4. 28 HongKong Street, Singapore
  5. Indulge Experimental Bistro, Taipei
  6. Operation Dagger, Singapore
  7. Quinary, Hong Kong
  8. Stockton, Hong Kong
  9. The Union Trading Company, Shanghai
  10. Lobster Bar, Hong Kong
  11. Tippling Club, Singapore
  12. Atlas, Singapore
  13. The Bamboo Bar at Mandarin Oriental, Bangkok
  14. Gibson, Singapore
  15. Alice Cheongdam, Seoul
  16. The Pontiac, Hong Kong
  17. Employees Only Singapore, Singapore
  18. Backstage Cocktail Bar, Bangkok
  19. Sober Company, Shanghai
  20. Native, Singapore
  21. Jigger & Pony, Singapore
  22. Bar BenFiddich, Tokyo
  23. The Curator Coffee & Cocktails, Manila
  24. Zuma, Hong Kong
  25. Bar Orchard Ginza, Tokyo
  26. 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo Bombana, Hong Kong
  27. Charles H, Seoul
  28. Bar Trench, Tokyo
  29. D.Bespoke, Singapore
  30. Nutmeg & Clove, Singapore
  31. Star Bar, Tokyo
  32. Le Chamber, Seoul
  33. Janes & Hooch, Beijing
  34. Q&A Bar, Bangkok
  35. The Other Room, Singapore
  36. Lamp Bar, Nara
  37. Aer Bar & Lounge, Mumbai
  38. Sugarhall, Singapore
  39. East End, Taipei
  40. Vesper Cocktail Bar & Restaurant, Bangkok
  41. Omakase + Appreciate, Kuala Lumpur
  42. The Chinnery at Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong
  43. Potato Head Beach Club, Bali
  44. Bar D.Still, Seoul
  45. ABV, Makati City
  46. Teens of Thailand, Bangkok
  47. Keepers, Seoul
  48. Dr. Fern's Gin Parlour, Hong Kong
  49. Club Boys Saloon, Taipei
  50. The Night Rooster, Bali

排名第17的新加坡Employees Only,今日正式進駐蘭桂坊19號,記得跟實MenClub,我地好快會帶各位Gentleman到這家全球最佳酒吧玩返轉!

Source : Asia's Best 50 Bars

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